Grupo de Investigación de Ingeniería TisularDpto. Histología · Facultad de Medicina. UGR

XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Histología e Ingeniería Tisular, VIII International Congress of Histology and Tissue Engineering y VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Histología. Murcia, 4 a 6 de septiembre de 2019. Publicados en la revista Histol Histopathol, Factor de Impacto: 2,303; Área: Pathology; Percentil: 60 (Q3):

Identification Of Novel Agarose Types As Tissue Engineering Scaffolds With Improved Biocompatibility.
(O) Irastorza-Lorenzo A, Martín-Piedra MA, de Frutos MJ, Esteban E, Fernández J, Janer A, Campos A, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S53

Histological Quality Control Of Human Bioengineered Skin Used For The Treatment Of Severely-Burnt Patients.
(O) Chato-Astrain J, Martín-Piedra MA, Garzón I, Carmona G, Martínez-Vílchez A, Rodríguez IA, Campos A, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S103

Identification Of Epithelial Markers In Bioartificial Human Corneas For Clinical Translation.
Martín-Piedra MA, Garzón I, González-Gallardo C, Campos F, Oyonarte S, Martínez-Atienza J, Rodríguez-Pozo JA, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S209

Evaluation Of The Extracellular Matrix And Basement Membrane In A Human Artificial Cornea Models Generated By Tissue Engineering.
Morales-Álvarez C, Garzón I, González-Gallardo C, Martín-Piedra MA, Oyonarte S, Ritoré-Hidalgo A, Campos A, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S210

Development Of A Basement Membrane In Human Orthotypical And Heterotypical Bioengineered Corneas.
Morales-Álvarez C, Blanco-Elices C, González-Gallardo C, Oyonarte S, Medialdea S, Garzón I, Martín-Piedra MA, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S211

Design Of Novel Biomaterials With Definite Anisotropic Behaviour For Use In Tissue Engineering.
Ponce-Polo A, Oruezabal RI, Carmona G, Larra E, Villar-Vidal M, Villullas S, López-López MT, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S219

EGF Lipid Nanoparticles For Improving Human Skin Keratinocytes Proliferation.
Irastorza-Lorenzo A, Chato-Astrain J, Vairo C, Villullas S, Gainza G, Herran E, Gainza E, Alaminos M.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S222

Analysis Of Biocompatibility And Mechanical Properties Of Nanostructured Hydrogels For Use In Tissue Engineering.
Campos F, Díaz-Ramos M, García-García OD, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Fernández-Valadés R, Alaminos M, Garzón I, Carriel V.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S225

Epithelial Cell Culture Using Biocompatible Coating Biomaterials For Tissue Engineering.
Irastorza-Lorenzo A, Blanco-Elices C, Chato-Astrain J, Oyonarte S, Alaminos M, Fernández-Valadés R, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Garzón I.
Histology and Histopathology, 2019; 34 (S9): S228